About Me
Having worked in a variety of fields, from art framing to shoes sales, banking to legal, financial investment to real-estate investment, one subject returned time and time again to my attention, and quite often, to my responsibility, graphical marketing. Each position I held brought a new tool and new challenges to the needs of the designs. Each task brought me closer and closer to who I am today, someone who is driven to create a message with color and shape.
Working with computers since 1983, I have had the opportunity to watch the medium computer based graphical design grow from text based imagery to the immersive, three dimensional, multi-media, interactive environment in which it exists today. Each step of the way, I learned that what appeared to be so useful was also what appeared to be so simple, and I wanted that to spring from me as well.
As the iconic graphic artist Paul Rand stated in a 1996 interview, "Design is the method of putting form and content together. Design, just as art, has multiple definitions, there is no single definition. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated."
It takes a talented designer to create simplicity and through the most subtle of lies, make it look simple in the process. Let me help you simplify your digital media and communications needs.
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